(Houston, Texas August 2023)- Ryan Lambreghts has been promoted to the role of Inside Sales Manager at SENSOR Sampling Systems, effective immediately.
Some new responsibilities Ryan will be taking on are:
- Providing leadership to increase SENSOR Sampling sales and market share through management of quotation, project view, and the sales order entry process.
- Offering technical support to internal and external customers including a direct role in management of project related business.
- Leading the team in actively pursuing closure of sales leads and open RFQ’s.
- Supervising Sampling Customer service and drafting groups, including: Sales support engineers, technical sales support, sales associates, and drafters.
Ryan will be reporting directly to SENSOR Sampling Systems Product Manager, Billy Terry.
“In Ryan’s previous role as Sales Support Engineer, he excelled at learning the sampling business and managing many large sampling projects,” said Billy Terry. “He has been instrumental over the last two years in all our sales-related activities.”
Billy and Ryan will be working closely to build a solid framework for SENSOR Sampling Sales to ensure they pave the way to future sampling growth.
“I am excited for the opportunity to be the Inside Sales Manager and look forward to assisting the growth of SENSOR Sampling in this new position!” said Ryan.
SOR Controls Group is a global leader in the design and manufacture of measurement and control devices under the brands of SOR Measurement and Control, SSi Temperature Sensors and SENSOR Sampling Systems. SOR Controls Group actively serves all sectors of the process industry with particular strengths in the oil & gas, petrochemical, chemical and power segments. We also maintain an engineering and design team capable of providing engineered-to-order systems and products when required.
With manufacturing locations in Lenexa, Kansas and Houston, Texas and regional offices in Beijing and Dubai. SOR Controls Group supports a network of sales and service personnel capable of addressing customer requirements in any geographic market around the world.