Multiply this known value | By this conversion factor | To get this desired value |
BAR | 14.504 | Pounds Per Square Inch (psig) |
Kilo Pascals (kPa) | 0.145 | Pounds Per Square Inch (psig) |
Mega Pascals (mPa) | 145 | Pounds Per Square Inch (psig) |
Kilograms per CM2(kg/cm2) | 14.223 | Pounds Per Square Inch (psig) |
Pounds Per Square Inch (psig) | 0.069 | BAR |
Pounds Per Square Inch (psig) | 6.897 | Kilo Pascals (kPa) |
Pounds Per Square Inch (psig) | 0.0069 | Mega Pascals (mPa) |
Pounds Per Square Inch (psig) | 0.07 | Kilograms per CM2(kg/cm2) |
Multiply this known value | By this conversion factor | To get this desired value |
Kilograms per Meter3(kg/m3) | 0.001 | Specific Gravity (SG) |
Pounds Per Foot3(lb/ft3) | 0.016 | Specific Gravity (SG) |
Specific Gravity (SG) | 1000 | Kilograms per Meter3(kg/m3) |
Specific Gravity (SG) | 62.4 | Pounds Per Foot3(lb/ft3) |
Multiply this known value | By this conversion factor | To get this desired value |
Millimeter (mm) | 0.039 | Inch (“) |
Meter (m) | 3.281 | Foot (‘) |
Inch (“) | 25.4 | Millimeter (mm) |
Foot (‘) | 0.305 | Meter (m) |
Multiply this known value | By this conversion factor | To get this desired value |
Gram (g) | 0.035 | Ounce (oz) |
Kilogram (kg) | 2.204 | Pound (lb) |
Ounce (oz) | 28.35 | Gram (g) |
Pound (lb) | 0.454 | Kilogram (kg) |
Use this known temperature | In this formula | To get this desired temperature |
Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) | (°F -32) / 1.8 | Degrees Centigrade (°C) |
Degrees Centigrade (°C) | 1.8 * °C + 32 | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |