Dual Hi-Lo – Weatherproof Pressure Switch

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Dual Hi-Lo - Weatherproof Pressure Switch




30 in Hg VAC to 4000 psi, 1 bar VAC to 275 bar


Unit: CSA, SIL

The SOR weatherproof pressure switch is the lower-cost alternative to the explosion-proof model. It employs two discrete sensing assemblies that provide independent, adjustable, fine-resolution set points that can be calibrated to the same actuation point or split to the full span of the adjustable range without interaction.

The Dual Hi-Lo is popular for use in alarm systems configured to signal at a minimum and/or maximum pressure. The V1 is field adjustable, making it a convenient choice for a wide variety of applications.

  • Dual set points
  • Ranges from 30 in Hg vacuum to 4000 psi
  • Set point adjustment with calibrated scale

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