Cylinder Sampling Systems

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Cylinder Sampling Systems 6
Cylinder Sampling Systems 2
Cylinder Sampling Systems 3
Cylinder Sampling Systems 6



Preview of free downloadable Closed Loop Grab Sampling Handbook(opens in a new tab)

The SENSOR Liquified Gas Sampling System (LGSS) and Vapor Sampling System (VSS) are designed for safe and reliable closed-loop “grab” sampling of high vapor pressure liquids and vapors, or for any liquid process for which the operator desires to collect the sample in a sample cylinder. The LGSS and VSS are designed to operate under continuous flow via a bypass or parallel line off the main process piping. For Liquified Petroleum Gases (LPGs), the inclusion of a sight flow indicator allows for direct visual indication of safe cylinder outage.

  • Safe, simple methodology for sampling high-pressure liquefied gases and process gases
  • Single handle operation for colleting samples
  • Panel-mounted pressure gauge
  • Sight glass ensures safe cylinder outage on LGSS
  • Ability to depressurize quick connects before removing cylinder
  • Highly customizable based on process conditions and operator requirements
  • Standard system is designed for operation to 1400 psig (96.5 bar); high-pressure systems are available
  • Simple operation (single 4-way Sampling Valve) enhances ease of use and operator safety
  • Proprietary SENSOR fitting ensures secure orientation of sample cylinder
  • Standard mounting on 304 SST plate with non-metallic cylinder clamping to safely mount sample cylinders

Be sure and look at the other sampling system models that are available like the Basic Bottling Sampling Systems.(opens in a new tab)

Liquefied Gas Sampling System (LGSS) – Product Demonstration

5 Key Points – Why Sampling

SENSOR Sampling Overview